Beuys (African grey Parrot) Art Project, a collaborative Time-Based media project from 2013-present

Since 2013, Wantanee has embarked on a unique and ambitious project with an African grey parrot named "Beuys." This project is not just about exploring life's philosophy and political issues through art, but about a truly special partnership that transcends conventional boundaries. Wantanee's work with Beuys delves into the intricate connection between nature and political decision-making, using time and activities as essential research tools. Rather than merely drawing inspiration from Joseph Beuys' art projects, Wantanee actively employs them as a medium to shape her creative vision and approach.

Their meticulously designed activities are not just a platform for playful interactions with Beuys, the parrot, but a dynamic and thought-provoking experience. Wantanee goes a step further by teaching Beuys to utter the significant phrase, "Everyone is an artist," prompting viewers to reflect upon the core aspects of communication and connection. Through these interactions, Wantanee and Beuys create an immersive experience that challenges traditional notions and expands the understanding of art itself.

However, starting in 2018, Wantanee and Beuys have embarked on a transformative journey of co-creating works that transcend the confines of human perspective. Their collaboration takes on a new dimension, questioning societal structures, provoking introspection about human-animal relationships, and emphasizing the delicate nature of life. For instance,  "And Yet the Earth is Moved (Unique Pieces)" and "People Say Nothing is Impossible, but Beuys Does Nothing Every Day." This transformative journey is no longer solely derived from Joseph Beuys' works but instead emerges from the profound observation and learning between Wantanee and Beuys the parrot.

Their partnership becomes an imaginative exploration, intertwining art, nature, and animal intelligence. Their collective expression not only inspires audiences to reconsider their place within the vast tapestry of existence but also challenges traditional notions of art. The collaboration between Wantanee and Beuys represents an extraordinary exploration of art, nature, and animal consciousness, amplifying the significance of their work and its potential to reshape perspectives.